Thursday 14 March 2013

Secret to Creativity


  1. Khalid Mahmood19 July 2013 at 11:12

    * I partially support this system. The system has been developed with many experiments, practical oriented aspects and as per traditional culture. But with the change in science and technology,latest developments in field of computers and developments in communication, Pakistani's are also living in the global village(world). We need to follow the world trends and adopt Silicon technology, Neo-technology and Robotics. Our education
    system must be modified accordingly.
    * Definately theories can help a lot with a specific focused approach. Taining theories have been developed with lot of deliberations and efforts. Training and development are bases to produce human resource. Kirk patricks learning model and training process ideas can also be very usefull.
    * Video has its own impacts. It depends upon the audiance how they percieve and interpret as per their perception.But definately it has gool lessons.

  2. +...I am not against this system but at the same time i can't support this system. This system should be changed and we have a need to use the latest technology to compete the world and other countries.We (Pakistan) should follow the other developed countries and changed the system of education and uses the modified system of IT for developing.
    +...Yes, Several theories are given or available to help us in improvement. Training & Development Theories, Training Design Process ideas and Kirkpatrick learning and Training evaluation theory can help us.
    +...This video is very helpful for getting good lesson and yes it also helpful in understanding the lack of creativity and innovation as Sir Ken Robinson gives many examples in it for understanding.

  3. To some extent i support this system. The system although having many flaws in it have developed in decades. we have developed in many different fields like Information Technology, Communication, Research etc, so Pakistan is also among the Technologically less developed countries. we still need developments in our education system to update it according to the latest requirements.
    In Pakistan we have to work a lot to improve our education system. In past the people were only focused on two professions i.e Engineer or a doctor. but in present scenario a student has many options to build his carrier. the problem is with the counseling of the students. we have to introduce the carrier counselors at the grass root level so that the in built talent is not wasted and a student can be put on the right path so that he can play a better role in what he is capable of. if you are doing a thing you love to do you will be very good at it. people have different attitudes and aptitudes, we should try to recognize it.
    Theories definitely have a lot of impact on improvement of system, especially the theories related to Training and development.
    The problem with Pakistani Culture is that it is an Autocratic in style, an Individual is highly demotivated when at the first level he is not appreciated in selecting the field of interest even at in his home, he has to rely upon the decisions taken by his parents for his field of education. Unfortunately this prevails in our culture. the only solution in my opinion is to educate the people so that a talent is not wasted by wrong decision making. Although the trends have changed a lot bit still they need to be Changed.
    This video is helpful in making awareness of the reasons of lack of creativity and innovation in our country as well. It has a good lesson for us. we should think upon it and try to improve the defects in our system.

  4. 1. I fully support the current system because it has proved itself over time and product of this system like Dr Abdul Salam, Dr A Q Khan, Dr Samar Mubarak, Prof Dr AmanUllah Khan, Asad Umar, Dr Malik Ghulam Murtaza etc are the product of this system. Inherently no system is erroneous, its basically its application which makes it successful or unproductive. The systems do have flaws but those can be improved. Our system has the capacity to improve provided due attention is given to lacking aspects (most of them already identified) and the major one is funding.
    2. The shortcoming of the system can be improved by expanding the base, introducing new technologies, using innovative ideas, latest research both in-house and abroad be studied and the most vital thing to bring change at grassroots level where children education base is developed. This only possible with uniform education at all level (eradicating class based education system). We may require more polishing of the end product for which we often go abroad and here we do not have such institutions/technologies/expertise because most of us who goes for polishing their skills etc do not return.
    3. Theories we have discussed in our assignment are applicable and can transform this system into world’s best if logically applied.
    4. The talk given by Ken Robinson is very relevant and needs our attention but question is of perceiving and then implementing. Your perception level is developed with kind of education you are in and how much you practically apply it and if someone is lacking such thing then creativity may not be his (HRM) choice. The kind of global system we are living leaving education aside and going by natural talent may be the choice at stone age but definitely no for the world today.

  5. I am totally against current education system of Pakistan. We are basically manufacturing different quality product, like china do in business, Low quality products for Pakistan and high for other world.. Our govt education system is so pathetic and our elite class education system is highly effective and innovative. I have experienced both education systems and i was shocked to see the difference. uniform education system is the only way to eradicate flaws from our education system, new innovations should be adopt by as a whole not for some specific class.

    Video actually forces you to think deeply what are the faults of parents and institutions for not recognizing the interest of students. and what are the reasons of lack of productivity.

  6. Current system is in developing stages keeping in view our environment.Efforts to some extent are being made to make certain changes for system's improvement,however our existing system does not incorporate the concept of creativity and innovation highlighted in the video.This concept has been developed keeping in view the western requirements.Our system may inhibit the adaptation of this concept due to our own social,cultural environment.The concept is good ,practicable and can be gradually in-coorporated into our current system .
    General awareness ,parent teacher meeting,parent's training,print and electronic media can play a vital role in the system's improvement.Facilities need to be available,supporting system has to be there and environment has to be provided to help bring out innovation and polish the talents.
    The video is of great help to understand lack of creativity and innovation as it focuses on trying to create an agricultural environment which aims at polishing and providing the right environment for young ones to develop their skills and bring out their talents in their own field of interest rather than the industrial approach which targets to follow the customary method.

    Tauqir Hussain
