Sunday 28 July 2013

Rethinking Education 3

Its slight deviation in the continuity but I feel about it so strongly that I want to share this point immediately. I was in a meeting two days back and we were discussing to promote research. It was not the first of its nature, I have been attending meetings at different fora, including HEC, addressing this issue.The discussion was no different from previous meetings. It was all about providing incentives to do research. There was only one incentive, the money. Suddenly a feeling flashed to my mind and I expressed it in the meeting.It was that,
" we are around 25 professors discussing this issue and it is all about how much money one could earn if one enhances his qualification or do a research.The question is that could there be any other reason to seek knowledge or generate knowledge".
If there is no other reason then be rest assured we are on a slippery slope, as psychologists call it, and down there is a ditch of disgrace and miseries in the form of utter dissatisfaction. The things will be out of hand and we will have no time to repent even. But who cares in this storm of greed!
I was thinking that probably few centuries down the line when virtues will again rule, some historian will comment that there was a time when education was a commodity and people used to seek "knowledge", deliver "knowledge' and create "knowledge" only to earn money. Can such a thing be called knowledge. Late Sumantra Goshal, a professor at London Business School calls it "pretense of knowledge.
From Islamic perspective "Ilm" has to be "Nafay". But nafay is a virtue and it has no place in today's world of self-interest, competition and efficiency that is measured in numbers not in it's "manfiat" (benefit) to human beings. We are all in a race on a slippery slope. May Allah help us and guide us to the right path. HEC needs to think about it seriously. Professors should raise their voice rather than appreciating it. Students must raise their voice on social media. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Having worked in Pakistan, UK and now Australia, I can clearly see that education has only one perspective in the current era and that is 'Commercialization'. unfortunately, no one is thinking on these lines of making ILM as NAFAY because this somehow does not take the academic institutions to Sustainability. However, we being academics should clearly (not only) and act on how to add value to the education system. Moreover, appreciating the value of research particularly in social sciences and humanities will widen the scope for our future generations InshaAllah

  3. Thanks. Agreed that research in social sciences adds value, but the question is that money being the motivating factor how one could be sure about the authenticity of research. If wrong social theories are formulated on the basis of fake research, it will add negative value for the comming generations.

  4. I agreed Sir Amanullah now a days our prime objective is to earn the money I saw many of our teacher who taught us in University doing a research because HEC impose them to do research without that there is no standing of that teachers in university or also the promotion. Being a Muslim we should seek for ILM which comes from the Quran-e-Kareem. Money is now attraction for every researcher, money not in term of monetary also the good will of that particular researcher. Actually we are just increasing the variables in social sciences and humanities for our future generation but we are all unable to give the solutions of that variables if we do the fake research it create a chaos in our society.

  5. There is no doubt that education has become a means of earning income but it still is the way to generate and seek knowledge.The purpose of education is bent towards money making though , be it in higher education or in research but still at the end ,this hasn't turned out to be fruitless.Many new advancements and technological discoveries have come into existence today, only possible because of education.The purpose and aim of education ,though it needs to be redefined still has kept up to its words but there is an urge to refocus it again.
    However at the end of the day, if you look in any field in the world there is a definite improvement,in comparison to the past.Ultimately its all because of education.But if we still think that there lies weakness in it ,it can be incorporated and made a part of education system

  6. Sakhawat Hussain Zahid31 August 2013 at 03:53

    Salam to all, particularly to sir amanullah.It's indeed an interesting and engaging discussion. As you highlighted, the Islamic Perspective as "Ilm e Nafay" is actually the core purpose for the humanity.The Knowledge, as in olden times, was a tool for the well being of whole of humanity and human beings.The money was just a by product as an outcome and not the whole purpose, contrary to today's pursuits of our high esteemed educational institutions.As per my little knowing, even in the autocratic regimes,the education was being pursued on requirement basis to engage the professionals as per the needs of society as a virtuous and noble cause and not as profit earning tool.It's commercialization and cut throat competitive prevailing environments which, probably, has affected badly to the very basic moral fibre of our system.Therefore, there is a maddening race is in the market today and it's fire fighting situation.So the Academia and intellectual forums in all forms and shapes are required to voice the issue.Staying at the positive platform and being optimistic, in Shaa Allah, some time, some day somewhere the voice is surely going to be heard and positive change may take place in our society

  7. To seek "knowledge", deliver "knowledge' and create "knowledge" only to earn money is the main objective of almost every university around the Globe. I will repeat my words that the system is designed over decades by stake holders to produce professionals who will ultimately serve any organization. Focus now a days is of getting education to grow money-oriented individuals with sole purpose of becoming financially strong, though it's a basic need , a necessity but now everyone is lost in the rat race.

    On the other hand the research being conducted now a days is treated as a formality to complete a degree program to enter into a professional carrier. Earning money is the basic objective behind research now a days. One can predict the future of our generation that FAKE RESEARCHES are being conducted, processed, and most amazing they get APPROVED and are PUBLISHED. It is alarming What would happen if wrong theories are developed based on fake researches…???

    Whereas earning more money should not be the primary objective of research. Serving for well being of society should be the objective of the research. The concept of real education "Ilm" has to be "Nafay" is vanished from today's world. Some perceive it to Islamic institutes only which we call " madrasas ". This perception has being developed over period of time and in today's world one feel embraced to introduce himself as a student of such institutions. Islamic perspective also emphasizes on "Tadabur & Taffuqur" (Research & Development) but we are hesitant to gain such knowledge, instead we assume it’s a wastage of time unfortunately.

    May Allah help us all and show us the right Path (AMEN)

  8. These days education sector is one the best profit generating business in Pakistan. So trading ILM is being traded for NAFAY. It may not be as you perceive in true Islamic perspective, but it is the easiest way to earn maximum without spending much. Now as far as research is concerned, its importance cannot be ignored at all. Western countries are draining the brains from rest of the world and staying at the top due to technological advancement. Though research is costly, time consuming and one cannot be sure of its success, therefore at individual level it may not be wholesome as well as directional. True research requires lot of money resources and time, but the platform like HEC is most suited/ organized Fora to address and supervise the research. There may be numerous malpractices enroute but HEC may have to take the risk and implement research methodology for the benefits of future generations. Even HEC may plan that only 50% qualified brain will return home, remaining may be Re-hired by western countries.

  9. Sir education rite now become the easiest way to earn money but still the basic purpose to get degree and to do research is to seek the knowledge and give that knowledge to others. We can say that the purpose behind all these activities is to earn money and to get more profits in terms of monetary (money) but this is not applicable to all. No doubt technology is going to be increasing and play a vital role in the development and researchers get helps from this technology but this all happened due to the knowledge and research. Its means the research has the benefit in the development of technology other than earning income and money. Now a day’s another issue of fake research in increasing and most amazing and wonder that research is accepted and can be published in several generals. HEC should take action on this research. Behind this research the basic objective is to earn money and to get the good and handsome job. Whereas objectives of research is to do something better and for the well being of mankind. Sir for true people or true researcher money is not the motivating factor for the authenticity of research.
    Sir I agree with your point of view that “From Islamic perspective "Ilm" has to be "Nafay". But nafay is a virtue and it has no place in today's world of self-interest” but now the ILM taught in the colleges and universities has no nafay other than to earn money and to do a job. I think this ILM is limited in boundaries of MADARAAS and that ilm teaches in madras in beneficial and has NAFAA in this world and after death also. Am I right???

  10. ASAD ULLAH KHAN SWATI31 August 2013 at 13:48

    It is quite an interesting debate whether to continue with the same EDUCATION that aims at earning or to attain knowledge that focuses on other aspects as well. There is no harm in education with the ultimate aim of making money, provided it is dovetailed with the welfare of the society , such a model of education must be encouraged through various media i.e print , electronic Including social media , TV and state sponsored media. It is the state’s responsibility to infuse and inject in the minds of the youth the main aim of education i.e "manfiat" making it part of the syllabi . To my reckoning and understanding with making “NAFAY ILM” , we can turn the world a better place to live in, else would continue be in the state as it is in the present era…


    Sir undoubtedly we are following the slippery slope and unfortunately education has become one of the best money making / generating business nowadays. The core objectives and one common single agenda on which all the universities are united is only money making. No matter what knowledge is being delivered/transferred and at what cost. The generation has to pay for this in future. Researcher do their aimless and fruitless research just to get the degree, to be valued by organizations with the prime objective to be financially strong as well.

    The ILM has to be NAFAY is totally missing rather wiped away around the globe. We should try to dig out the root cause of the problem. In my opinion West has planned/designed and implemented the education system with the help our top bureaucracy in our country. In the last 2-3 decades, West carried out brain drain from this region and are producing excellent result. HEC is only proper forum available to raise your voices. The complete society i.e. students, professors and group of all communities should be united first and then strongly knock the door of HEC & government to think and take measures on war footings to solve this issue. Otherwise I afraid that we might be producing loyal slaves instead of scholars, thinkers and scientists in the near future.

  12. The major perspective of Education in the current era and that is 'Commercialization’.The commercialization and competitive prevailing environment has badly affected the core purpose of education system The research being conducted is just to complete their degree and there is very little or no contribution to the body of knowledge. Only few people are thinking on these lines of making ILM as NAFAY. Agreed with sir Amanullah wrong social theories are formulated on the basis of fake research because prime objective is to earn the money which used to be by product as an outcome, all this will definitely add negative value for the coming generations. Therefore it needs to be redefined.

  13. The world has conquered the moon and space and achieving further glories briskly but we are still fixed in our education system and drastically moving on a wrong direction.
    In my opinion, the education has turned into complete money making industry, unfortunately 100% focus of all the universities are to find out the ways of earning/making more and more money. The path which is followed by us is totally leads to miseries and disgrace not any type of respect at all. Our researchers spend lot of money with only one aim in mind to get a degree, whether their research work worth it or not. By producing these degrees they can be recognized, honored and definitely improve their financial positions.

    As Islamic point of view ILM has to be NAFAH is completely vanished from the world especially from the Muslim Ummah. Now it is direly needed that long awaited education issue must be given due care, HEC is the right forum, where probably our voices can be heard, so as a nation we should raise the issue and make efforts to be solved as soon as possible, otherwise we will repent and our future generation has to pay heavily.

  14. I agree with the writer that we all are at the slippery slope, Education that was a form of gaining knowledge. Now days education is an industry. Teachers, professors are only making money out of this system. The foremost aim of education now days is only money.
    Knowledge should not be bind with degree, we as a students forget what we studied in last semester but our degree showed that we cleared the subject with highest marks, and this is because we all running after marks.
    In short the current education system need some major changes and it should remain for gaining education not for making money.

  15. The writer of the blog presents the true picture of current situation of education and knowledge. I also agree with the statement “We are all in a race on a slippery slope”. The purpose of education is to earn money. Our professors, teachers and the scholars use their research to earn money. Teachers do research because HEC change the policy that without research there is no standing in universities without research. Although money is the attraction for every person but we should not forgot that the purpose of education and research are not to get the money and earning but the purpose of research is to get knowledge and work for the welfare of society. Sir you are rite we are all in a race on a slippery slope.
    May ALLAH help us and guide us to the right path (Aameen)

  16. In my reckoning situation is not that bleak that some historian will write about this era as an era in which education was taken only as means of earning. I disagree with this on the pretext that the era we are living is most evolutionary period of known history of mankind. The technological advancement, work in the fields of science, electronics, humanity, medical, space technology and literature etc has progressed manifolds and is all because of education. Today’s practices of earning reasonable livelihood through education where brought commercialization also made it easy for so many deprived and poor students to complete their quest of knowledge. We also have to understand that in the society we have both good and awful and same is in education sector. There are teachers and professors who are dedicated, self motivated and are beacon of light for the students. So the concept of slippery slope ultimately leading to disgrace is not that prominent. Yes if such trends are remained unchecked or encouraged then might be chance of slipping away but if system is strengthen rather strengthening the individuals or personalities we can avert the future happening in this field. Another positive dimension of present commercialized education is “KNOWLEDGE IS FOR EVERY ONE” where as in the past this seeking of knowledge was restricted to few and to those who can afford it. In our country examples of Wderas, Rajas, Choudaries etc who were for the education of their offspring’s but not for the commoners in their area of influence and this myth is being broken through more access to education.
    As for as Islamic perspective “ILAM” is still “NAFAY” provided we truly understands the spirit and rituals of Islam. As we are deviating from the teaching of Quran and Sunnah, we are getting away from the concept of delivering knowledge in Islam. Therefore commercialism was there in the past, present more pronouncedly today and will remain in future as well. The Only remedy is to correct one’s self rather pointing and correcting others (A difficult path to follow but has definite results for the future).

  17. In olden times, people used to spread knowledge free of cost for the sake of enlightening the thoughts of others. It should be borne in mind the very fact that as time passes, Allah gradually uncovers the knowledge. Meaning thereby, today's knowledge is comparable with the number of drops of water in Atlantic Ocean (exaggerated although). To handle the knowledge which is far higher than the mighty Himalayas, one has to spend all the day long or at least has to give the beat part of his day for the creation and spreading thereof. In order to create the awareness among masses that the knowledge be created and spread without demanding money, will be a meaningless practice in that we will have to alter the whole culture which now prevails all around the globe. Not to speak of culture, we will have to even wipe out all the available resources / facilities for bringing back the environment wherein people had nothing with them but an ample amount of time to create and spread knowledge. In current scenario, when there is nothing free , creation (research) and spreading of knowledge for earning money is but absolutely right (as per my poor opinion) and the same must be encouraged as well. In advanced countries, these are the varsities which are consulted in case of any issue, be it be social, cultural, political, environmental, individual inasmuch as collective one. Whereas, in Pakistan, I have to say with a heavy heart that the influential people are striving hard to maintain the status quo which is evident in the form of aggressive attacks on HEC's Foreign Scholarships because in this way, financially challenged students will be studying in the world's top tier universities along with the offspring of the ruling elite of Pakistan which could likely to be a serious blow to the vested interests of our "popular and visionary" leaders. It is, therefore, highly recommended that maximum resources may be allocated to the universities forthwith so as to promote research without any further delay and Foreign Scholarships Program be arranged to be resumed on war-footing basis.

  18. I think problem is due to capitalist approach. we study how to make money? not to make a good personality.

  19. Do research but of quality. And quality mean here useful innovative that can bring positive change in the society and it is possible through positive people not profiteers.
