Sunday 14 July 2013

Rethinking Education 2

In my previous post I raised couple of questions to set the stage for discussion. The very first question is about the definition of education. I googled to find out the answer. I found the following.
ed·u·ca·tion /ˌ ejəˈkāSHən/
The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, esp. at a school or university: "a new system of public education".
The theory and practice of teaching.
training - schooling - instruction - upbringing - nurture

Education in its general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through teaching, training, or research. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of others, but may also be autodidactic.[1] Any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered educational.
Etymologically, the word "education" is derived from the Latin ēducātiō ("A breeding, a bringing up, a rearing") from ēdūcō ("I educate, I train") which is related to the homonym ēdūcō ("I lead forth, I take out; I raise up, I erect") from ē- ("from, out of") and dūcō ("I lead, I conduct").[2]
Etymology is the study of the history of words, their origins, and how their form and meaning have changed over time. By an extension, the term "the etymology of [a word]" means the origin of the particular word.

Oxford Dictionary
[mass noun]
The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university: a course of education
 the theory and practice of teaching: colleges of education
 [count noun] a body of knowledge acquired while being educated: his education is encyclopedic and eclectic
 information about or training in a particular subject: health education
(an education) an enlightening experience: Petrus is a good workman—it is an education to watch him

The key element of these definitions is that it’s a delivery process from one entity to another entity. The entity could be a person, a generation and/or an institution. This has conceptual and practical implications. At conceptual level it is important to know “what” is being delivered and at practical level it is “how” that is to be understood.
The fact of the matter is that if human beings develop wrong theories or ideas about nature, it is not going to affect the laws of nature and it’s working. For thousands of years it was believed that earth is flat and stationary and, also, that sun revolves around the earth. Despite of human belief it did not happen and off course will never happen that way. In case of natural sciences the research means the discoveries of laws of nature not inventing or developing these laws.  
In case of behavioural sciences it is completely the other way round. Your beliefs and ideas structure your personal, social and organizational “laws of behavior”. It is more of framing, inventing and developing laws rather than discovering them. Social science theories can influence reality in profound ways by influencing how we think about ourselves and how we act.
“The ideas of economists and political philosophers, both when they are right and when they are wrong, are more powerful than is commonly understood (Keynes, 1936: 383).”
The ideas and theories in social and behavioral sciences can become self-fulfilling.
Robert Merton defines a self-fulfilling prophecy as a prediction that “is, in the beginning, a false definition of a situation evoking a behavior which makes the originally false conception come true” (Merton, 1948: 195).
To understand the conceptual part one must thoroughly study the development of economic thought with a specific attention given to the impact of industrial revolution on it. It’s mainly the economic thought that is being passed on from one generation to next generation. These thoughts are not essentially delivered by educational institutions only. The informal channels of education, particularly the media, have played the major rule in this context. Those who study social sciences are directly affected by these ideas and others are affected indirectly. While opting for social sciences one deliberately opt for learning such ideas the others fall prey to these ideas unconsciously. For example, the notion of self-interest is basic to economics, management sciences and an essential ingredient of almost all social sciences. However, the notion has gone into the blood stream, especially in capitalist economies, to the extent that those who never studied economics also believe it. How did it happen? Remember your actions are controlled by you beliefs. Your beliefs about universe, human beings, global resources and human welfare structure your societies, markets, organisations and even you individual life and behavior. So we need to know what ideas are being passed on from one generation to the next in the past couple of centuries. What ideas we are passing to next generation through so called education? This is important to understand the contemporary world and the future we are designing for coming generations.
The second part is the practical approach that is the teaching methodology. Because it is delivery of knowledge, skill, ideas etc., deliverables need to be quantified in measureable units. Thus emphasis is on structured and standardized education system in terms of time, contents and even outcomes. The result is standardized text books, outlines, tests and grading. It is a common knowledge that academic performance measured by such standardized measures has little, if any, relevance with the performance in practical life. In my 37 years of academic life I have not seen a single gold or silver medalist excel in practical life. At best the end up in academic career again emphasizing the significance of 4 CGPA. The so called IQ tests again have little relevance with success, even defined in capitalistic sense, in life. Don Berg, Founder Attitutor Services, says
“ This conception of education contributes to harming students and teachers by driving policy makers to insist on accounting for the "units" of information that students demonstrate knowledge of on tests.”
We need to rethink both at conceptual and practical/methodological level.



  1. Keeping in the view above "Social theories converge into societies" the very basic theory of classical economics "science of bread and butter" which is wrong has formed current economic system should be wrong "agreed". The management science is birth of classical economic theory is not on sound footing "agreed". The material taught is wrong how can teaching system and teacher be right. Teachers knowing they are teaching is false but still they are teaching the same. Sir you are alone no one is going to comment on your second blog because they all felt they are wrong. I am doing PhD in Management Science and I know there is no benefit of this degree to my society or even me except teaching some where, that is wrong. learnt is wrong delivered is wrong. It became mess sir. Need to rethink from very start. Need another Aristotle, Socrates, Bocrates etc.

  2. Thanks. I fully understand what you are saying. It will take some time for people to respond. I am in fact not worried. I am simply documenting my thoughts. Someday it will take off.

  3. The economic and social influences that shape the educational thoughts makes great sense,i also agree with what is happening in the name of education since centuries. To me, sole purpose of education is to unshackle mindsets (to get students out of so many economic and social influences) and make students start thinking at their own. The role of institution in this regard is to provide the conducive environment for learning.It shall be great if in your next post, we may see workable guidelines about "What is needed to be done at individual, institutional and national level". Sir,I would love to know your definition of education first.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. We have been taught since childhood that Education is a systematic process of establishing the pillar of society. It brings up an empty mind with discourse tongue of awareness. Ideally, a unanimous and monotones education policy is prerequisite to achieve satisfactory literacy rate.

    Firstly, Our educational system is badly broken, and not just because the systems, structures, and philosophies that guide it are sadly out of date. Our educational system is grossly ineffective because the way we teach our children doesn’t align with what we know about how the brain learns. In fact, the current system is the worst learning environment we could put our children into. Our education system look like a large classrooms based on age rather than true learning levels. Kids sitting on their behinds for hours on end, getting talked at or read to by teachers. More and more school systems eliminating recess and physical education. Classroom instruction that focuses on getting students to regurgitate the “right” answer rather than learning how to think and solve problems. We’re not going to change the educational system overnight. But we can start by challenging our ideas, attitudes, and assumptions about the educational system, and then determine whether they align with what modern research has discovered about the brain and learning. We should ask a lot of “what if” questions, starting with: what if we designed our educational system for the benefit of the students rather than the department of education, teachers, parents, and administrators? In other words, what if we designed it around what we know about the human brain and how it learns best?

    Secondly, I agree with the your statement "I have not seen a single gold or silver medalist excel in practical life. At best the end up in academic career again emphasizing the significance of 4 CGPA." Practicality is missing everywhere in our educational system. our children are given worth because of marks and institutions name. Is this all? A child when takes his first step in education is taught to get maximum marks in primary education, then secondary and so on, he is never taught the practical knowledge which will be beneficial for him. The system is designed over decades by stake holders to produce professionals who will ultimately serve any organization.

    Children should be taught the well-being of society from the grass root level, not moneymaking philosophy. No child is born greedy, it is education that teaches him the worth of money that it is all a human being tries to achieve. One can simply predict what is going to happen in coming era. We strongly need to rethink about the conceptual and practical methodology of system to be designed.

  6. ASADULLAH KHAN SWATI29 August 2013 at 03:39

    In the light of Oxford Dictionary Definition “Education is the process of receiving or giving systematic instructions especially at School or University: a course of education”.

    In its deeper sense, the purpose of education is to be envisaged far ahead of acquiring or disseminating process; rather it must aim at strengthening individual as well as collective moral fiber besides its focus on economic progression and prosperity of the society. Intangibly (theoretically) speaking, it must also focus on honoring social economic and religious values in fragmented societies. In tangible teams, the main focus of education should be “ON ENHANCED PRODUCTION WITH LESSER INPUT”.

    If the antecedent aim is not achieved and focused, then the attainment of such knowledge proves futile.

  7. Scholar Thoughts

    We have been taught and trained since childhood that education is a continues process. Our parents always think and grabbed by socio-economic culture of the society in which our upbringing or schooling is carried out in early days.
    The current process of education is totally absolute and ineffective from the grass root level to the top. The system is designed as baseless, without any thoughtful vision and goal, which proves its inefficiency because it fails to bring any change in the society in the last 5-6 decades, instead it is further deteriorating day by day.
    The system is inherited and further organized, controlled and run by The Masters who are controlling the entire world for their vested interests. To achieve these interests they have introduced the system based on differences, disparity and economics, there by not producing the material which can use his own brain and ideas for the betterment of the society.
    We failed to produce any scholar, scientist or philosopher we are just producing loyal slaves out of this education system and transferring it from one generation to another generation, as The Master have designed and planned. Masters are doing profitable business using both the elements i-e education and media for transfer of such vision and goals from one generation to another.

    The second part is about teaching methodology i-e transferring of ideas, skills and knowledge. In my opinion complete education syllabus, its design and teaching methods are totally irrelevant, It has got no connection i-e way of teaching, what is being taught and how it is understood. In fact, they them self don’t know what is to be transferred and its effects on the society in future. Being a student I also agree that judging/grading system is totally false because the gentleman even with 4 CGPA cannot bring out anything positive, for the society because he is trained as such i-e ‘don’t use your brain’ just believe on degrees

    Finally I conclude that up till now The Masters are successful in achieving their set-goals and there is a dire need to think positive and use brain and take measures to change the education systems and society.

  8. Education is nothing but sharing one's own ideas or the learnt skills / ideas and comparing the same with those of others in order to prove oneself a right one. People learn skills or ideas just to earn livelihood. I totally disagree to the idea that it is education which teaches etiquettes to the people. My stance is that education does not and cannot do so whatsoever. Education merely arouses our otherwise dormant ego and we start wasting our time in impression management which is a menace for mankind in general and for an individual in particular on the way to make this planet a peaceful place to live in (impossible either). Education can only polish already existing virtues in an individual or a society.

    Though education can give birth to innovation yet it is deprived of inculcating creative thoughts into the minds of any living being. Education can never make someone a good one , on the contrary such man is already there and the education only plays its limited role to improve him. Education can do but no "harm" to a born uncultured and a born "illiterate" type of person.

  9. "Education means to learn, to know and to lead out"
    Education is the transfer of knowledge from one person to another person and educates that person.
    From the above discussion it is cleared that the education process is totally changed and the way of transferring of knowledge is based on theoretical and bookish not practical. This system of education fails up to some extent for bringing change in the society. Our education industries (universities, colleges and business institute) fail to produce the intellectuals, scholars, scientists and economists and producing the graduates and masters who have just degrees and some bookish knowledge rather than practical knowledge and research knowledge. Our education system needs to be change and the education institute needs to produce the knowledgeable professors and researchers rather than the Govt. teachers who train the student by books. These are the ideas which are transmitted from one generation to another.

    Secondly, Sir your statement is quite good I agree that “At best the end up in academic career again emphasizing the significance of 4 CGPA”. The base of our education system is theoretical not practical and conceptual. Due to this theoretical system of approach our professors and teachers are emphasizes on text books, outlines and grading and students are taught to get grades rather than to get practical and conceptual knowledge which very beneficial for them. Hence the performance of education institute and students is very low. This performance can be increase by giving the practical and conceptual knowledge to students. Finally it should be necessary to rethink for transferring about the conceptual and practical knowledge.

  10. We know that the EDUCATION is a systematic process and transfer of ideas, knowledge and skills. Since our early ages we start learning it from our spiritual teacher (mother) and then the school teachers.

    In my view our education system is totally controlled by some aliens and they don’t want to see us in prosperity as education (acquiring knowledge) is the only way to improve standards of any society. The education so called education we are providing to our generation is fruitless and is just a formality which one has to obey as he/she is bound to it by their parents and their societies. This system is designed as such which do not transfer knowledge, ideas, thoughts did not allow you to use your brain/mind. It is completely handicap in the hand of top bureaucracy, who are implementing to western ideas. They are using all the players in our society for their desired achievement of set mission. They have made the mindset and transferring it smoothly from one generation to another by using the education system, informal channel like media is used to the desire level.

    Second part is teaching methodology I totally agree with the statement that our education system (marking, judging, assessing and grading) are completely insignificant and out of date. It is a prove of failure and mismatch that a man with 4 CGPA who is considered to be an intelligent, more sharp and thought provoking is not sitting at any top level in the organization.

    So in short it is need of the hour to change education system drastically from bottom to the top to keep pace with the societies of the world.

  11. Education is the transfer of knowledge from one person to another person and educates that person and that knowledge should be beneficial for the other person. The current education process (transferring of knowledge) is changed and the way of transferring of knowledge (What and How to transfer?) is based on theoretical rather than practical. This system of education fails to produce the intellectuals and scholars and produces the persons who work hard for the benefit of organization. Our education system needs to be change and the institutes and universities should need to produce the knowledgeable professors and researchers.

    Secondly, I agree with your statements “At best the end up in academic career again emphasizing the significance of 4 CGPA. It is a common knowledge that academic performance measured by such standardized measures has little”. Due to this theoretical system of education and emphasizes of our teachers and professors on text books, outlines and grading the performance of educational institute, universities and students are decreasing continuously. This performance depends upon practical and conceptual knowledge but unfortunately lack of such practical and conceptual knowledge the student’s studies for grading. Finally it is necessary to change the education system from theoretical to conceptual and practical knowledge system.

  12. Education is a gradual process. We started from zero level, that is, from slavery to survive and get some job to earn livelihood. Medium of education is still “English” in which excelling, if not impossible, is extremely difficult, that also at the later part of life. Even after independence, we are still fighting for our survival. In the process we have achieved some remarkable land marks on the basis of necessity, like progression in missile and nuclear technology etc.
    Till date significant progress in the field of education has been made in Pakistan, despite all the limitations, that is we are discussing this topic now. Our history of 66 years after independence has been marred by numerous crises, that is probable reason , we failed to prosper and lagging in the field of education to some extent. Our feudal system is also one of the barrier in education spreading.
    Government policies also play vital role in educating the nation. But unfortunately we experienced nationalization of entire sector which badly affected the Qualitative and competitive education, despite giving some financial reliefs at the basic levels of education. Now HEC steps have given good boost to our education sector and definitely we will witness some positive change in the future.
    No doubt we lack practical oriented education, but the day we followed it, we definitely will move in the right direction.INSHALLAH those days are not far off

  13. I believe, education is one of those things that are being taken and adopted with many of the wrong concepts. The essence of education and being educated is being almost vanished from the hearts of the teachers and from the minds of the students. The concept has been taken wrong, wrong enough to dilute the mind of students and mix it with the material things like 'only good grades' (with no logic at all & even by the way cheating and copying) or the dreams of that high-paying job even when you have to do the wrong things (like tax evasion etc).


    1. The act or process of education that leads a person to better understanding of the situations in his life.

    2. The process of imparting and acquiring knowledge and training to grow one’s intellectual and mental capabilities, so as to make mature decisions in different situations.

    3. The learning process by which any knowledge can be obtained.

    4. An enlightening experience.

    Whatever definition you may find interesting or accurate. One thing must be noted that the gist of all the above explanations for education lies in the passive idea of “Being educated”. Unfortunately, what I think, has been the problem for many of our institutions is that they are seemed to forget the real pleasure of transferring, not only the books’ texts into their pupils’ brains, but the consciousness and sense that what they (the students) are getting here, is not only limited to securing good grades and to apply for a better job. The process of being educated is really far more precious and prestigious than only monetary terms.

    This is my request and a responsbility to inform, guide, assist and carve a path for all the younger ones out there (and of course to all the teachers and managers of educational institutes), to please look at the BIGGER PICTURE, do not get stuck with only the grades that you are getting, or just that 6-8 hours that you are spending going to school or college and strutting back towards home. There is nothing to be proud of unless and until you are tasting the real essence of education and that can only be happened possible if you get the basic concept right, do some efforts apart from your teacher, do not go with the traditional way or the norms or the customs, if they are wrong. None of you will die of hunger, but if you put your moral ethics behind you, that will sure convert you into a living-dead-body with no emotions, no sensitivity and no education whatsoever. This is a call to moral ethics, and the younger generations have to understand this for a better, civilized and ethically correct world. Not like this one, where commercialization and materialism overcame and ruined the moral obligations and ethics within people. Some differences were important to distinguish humans from other creatures. But unfortuntely, most are faded and blurred.But situation will improve soon

  14. Khizer Shaukat Ali, Ripha International30 August 2013 at 13:31

    After having gone through the entire script, I must appriciate the concern of the worthy professor.
    I would highlight a few facts of life :-
    a. Money is not THE MOST IMPORANT THING IN LIFE , yet it is still ONE OF THE most important things in life.
    b. Private sector education focuses on profit maximization.
    c. At this point of time, keeping money and education apart may not be a possibility.
    As it is not possible to keep the money factor out of the business , I have a few suggestions:-
    a. Lets not concentrate on how to stop the inflance of money in education systems . Let it be a non issue.
    b. We must take a strat to improve the education system. I am sure if we seccsseed , the money factor would gradually fade out automatically.
    I shall be grately obliged if the professor could educate me on the validity of my thoughts with refrence to the basic theme of the blog.

    I come from military background.I beleive we have a better system of Education/ Training/ Professional grooming in Army.The coordinal points are:-
    a. Progressive development with special attention on the practical manifestation of the thories, at the basic level.
    b. Conceptual development , at the mid - career level.
    c. Imaginative thought process to develop a think tank at the senior/stratagic level.
    Once I compare both the systems I find them vide apart.The glaring disparities are :-
    a. Lack of the practical manifestation of the acquired knowledge.Most of the litrature is based upon westeren origen which does not fit into OUR WORLD.
    b. Evaluation is quantified in terms of Exams/Papers.
    c. Everybody is in a great HASTE.
    There is a general preception that things in military are FUNNY.If this assumption can be overlooked for a while and an acceptivty lavel can be raised, a good deel of problems can be addressed. After having been to a university for a couple of years now with a 22 years experience in military education / training , I am sure if we sit togather we can develop a vision as to how we can solve the issues identified in the blog.

  15. Education, simply stated, is the process of gaining knowledge, learning forms of proper conduct and acquiring technical competency in a specific field. It involves cultivating the mind and instilling values.
    The basic purpose of education is to make an individual aware,giving him a deep understanding of living making him capable of living,helps country and an individual in earning money,aims at development of social skills,fuels one thirst for knowledge ,gives exposure,provides rational thinking,broadens horizon,reduces economic disparity.It forms the basis of civilized , structured society.
    Today education forms the basis of all societies but there lies a sharp contrast between education being imparted and education being received.The sole cause of education is lost,its meaning has disappeared.Now focus of getting education is to grow individual money-oriented individuals with sole purpose of becoming financially strong,though its a basic need , a necessity but now everyone is lost in the rat race.Education ought to be on the standards of quality and not quantity.
    Education should bring and polish the talent of a generation with aim to bring out the best in them ,facilitating society positively and contributing towards the betterment and development of the world.Education ought to focus on newer developments in the world and utilizing our skills and knowledge in particular fields to enhance its value and research and also discover and explore the scientific advancement and give our own fair share in it.
    There is a need for imparting value based education with a spiritual bent of mind in educational institutions to churn out good citizens. Imbibing the qualities of good conduct, self confidence and high values would help earn a significant place in society.Education without values is like a flower without fragrance. A good character in life is ultimate thing that stretches person’s self realization.Mere ambition to excel in life was not enough, and value based education must be imparted to help individuals emerge as leaders in their chosen fields.
    The true purpose of education is to bring profoundness to one's expression, broaden one's perspective and build in the individuals, a better approach of looking at life. It is very important to analyze needs and improvise the support system to ensure a better future for forthcoming generations. Its purpose should be to empower mind and soul, to achieve its full potential.

  16. Education is transfer of knowledge, Skills and habits. In past education was something free for all and no age restriction.
    These days education has become a very successful and profitable business. Now educational institutions are more interested in making profits than on improving the nation.
    I agree with the writer that marks should not only be the criteria to judge the student performance, and his mental abilities. I have personally met so many people who have excellent educational background, but in practical life they are a failure.
    The teachers should try to adopt a method of teaching that is a blind of both the conceptual and practical knowledge so that the students have idea that how they have to perform when they start there job careers.

  17. In my point of view education is the first stage of being enter in bright future.
    We know that the EDUCATION is a systematic process and transfer of ideas, knowledge and skills. Since our early ages we start learning it from our spiritual teacher (mother) and then the school teachers."Education means to learn, to know and to lead out"
    so for the bright n compete able world we relay need to improve our gross root education.
    in Indore some basic steps in our education system like give full support our student to improve the power to say "NO"BECAUSE when we give the power then they start working as a leader .
    so its from side about today's eductaion .
    Sajid Nawaz Khan

  18. No doubt education forms the basis of development in every field still the definitions which explains the education is not complete to my understanding and it restrict the learning, transfer of knowledge and education to schools and universities. In my reckoning, by restricting education to universities and obtaining degrees, we have although organized the education but at the same time paved the way to its more commercialization thereby moving away from the core object that is making children a better and productive part of the society. In my opinion if an individual is not formally educated still he can be taken as an educated person as he has learnt so many things in life and experience he has acquired( if we see around there are many examples where people were having no formal school or university education but still they excelled in life one of the example is of Hamilton Naki who developed the heterotopic or "piggyback" heart transplantation technique) and same is the case in business where many are illiterate but running their businesses efficiently. So education can be informal and productive as well.
    With all said above it does not mean that formal education has no importance it do have and will remain because we have our selves standardized it and is acceptable in present social and economic domains. However, it is basically on the part of educationist and policy makers in education sector, what they want? Bread of individuals who have progressive and creative mind, or just degree seekers to earn livelihood. Our present focus mostly is making money from these education institutions rather concentrating on character and knowledge building. This trend is harmful for both types of education (formal and informal) which needs to be addressed. Needs a priority shift right from the initial schooling to university level where emphasis should be on knowledge acquiring rather degrees. The final thing about the education in any field and its future utilization for self and society is directly related to one’s ATTITUDE.

  19. Education plays a vital role in creating awareness about life and its functions. In our society, we are following the old trodden path of education. The reason is that we have been seeded to get education only to have a prosperous status in our lives.
    Similarly in a chemist shop a medicine has a expiry date and after expiry it has been thrown but in our society we are still using the five decade old curriculum which dose not fulfil the requirements of today’s challenging world dynamics.
    It is the needed to look into this matter seriously and design such a curriculum which can fulfil the cardinal requirements.
